Have you been touched by a simple act of kindness today? The kind word spoken by a friend, a special smile from an acquaintance, or that gentle touch on the shoulder when discouragement steals your joy.
God created us with the need for relationship with one another. Positive, healthy, and timely interaction with the outside world; which ultimately, gives us a feeling of worth. We are a valued people. A treasure to God. We are reminded to value one another. Hebrews 10:24 reads, ” Let us think about each other and help each other to show love and do good deeds “.
If you sense that someone is suffering from lonliness, self doubt, or fear; take a moment and approach that person. Extend a simple act of kindness.
Your thoughtful word, smile or touch, may be the healing touch of Jesus for someone today. Value others in your daily walk. Show how much you care. Your heart will overflow with joy as you give hope to those around you.
Open our hearts, Father, and help us see the world as you see. Help us respond as you respond to the hurts around us. Use me today. Let my actions glorify you. Amen